Home Error Code Fix Troubleshooting Guide: Kenmore Ice Maker Not Working – Quick Solutions

Troubleshooting Guide: Kenmore Ice Maker Not Working – Quick Solutions

by Timothy Ginn

If your Kenmore ice maker is not working, there could be several reasons causing this issue. Is your Kenmore ice maker not working as expected?

There could be various reasons behind this problem. We will explore some common causes and provide troubleshooting tips to help you get your ice maker back in working order. Whether it’s a clogged water inlet valve, a faulty ice maker assembly, or a malfunctioning water filter, we will guide you through the steps to diagnose and resolve the issue.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can potentially save on costly repairs or the need for a new ice maker. Let’s dive in and revive your Kenmore ice maker efficiently.

Table of Contents

1. Common Issues And Symptoms

Welcome to our blog post where we will discuss the common issues and symptoms associated with a Kenmore ice maker that is not working properly. Having a reliable ice maker is essential for many households, so it’s important to address any issues promptly. In this section, we will explore the common problems that can arise with a Kenmore ice maker, the signs that indicate it’s not working properly, and the importance of troubleshooting to resolve the problem. Let’s dive in!

1. Common problems with Kenmore ice maker

If you’re experiencing issues with your Kenmore ice maker, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many users encounter problems that hinder the ice maker’s functionality. By familiarizing yourself with these common problems, you’ll be better equipped to identify and resolve the issue.

Problem Description
No ice production This is a prevalent problem where the ice maker fails to produce any ice cubes. It can be caused by various factors such as a clogged water supply line, a malfunctioning water inlet valve, or a faulty ice maker module.
Small or hollow ice cubes When your ice maker produces undersized or hollow ice cubes, it could be due to issues like low water pressure, an old water filter that needs replacing, or a problem with the ice maker’s temperature settings.
Leaking water Water leakage from the ice maker is both inconvenient and problematic. This issue can arise because of a damaged water inlet valve, a cracked water supply line, or a faulty ice maker assembly.

2. Signs that indicate the ice maker is not working properly

Recognizing the signs that indicate your Kenmore ice maker is not functioning properly can save you time and trouble. Look out for the following signs to identify if your ice maker needs attention:

  1. Insufficient ice production
  2. Lack of water filling the ice tray
  3. Small or misshapen ice cubes
  4. Excessive noise during ice-making process
  5. Leaks or water pooling around the ice maker

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage.

3. Importance of troubleshooting to address the issue immediately

When your Kenmore ice maker is not working properly, troubleshooting becomes essential to resolve the issue promptly. It ensures that you have access to a consistent supply of ice when you need it. Neglecting the problem may lead to more severe issues or even the complete failure of the ice maker.

By troubleshooting the problem, you can identify the underlying cause and take the necessary steps to resolve it. Whether it’s a simple fix like replacing a clogged water filter or a more complex repair involving the water inlet valve, troubleshooting allows you to address the issue before it escalates.

Remember, a properly functioning ice maker not only provides convenience but also ensures you have ice readily available for various occasions – from refreshing beverages to hosting parties. Act swiftly to troubleshoot and resolve any issues with your Kenmore ice maker to maintain a smoothly running kitchen.

2. Troubleshooting Steps

When your Kenmore ice maker stops working, it can be frustrating, especially during those hot summer months when you crave a cold beverage. However, before you panic and call a technician, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to try and fix the issue yourself. In this section, we will walk you through the process of troubleshooting your Kenmore ice maker. Follow these steps to potentially save time and money.

Checking the power and connection

Before diving into the inner workings of your ice maker, it’s important to start with the basics. Begin by making sure that your Kenmore ice maker is properly connected to a power source. Check the power cord and ensure it is securely plugged into an outlet. Additionally, inspect the power switch to ensure it is in the “on” position. Sometimes a loose or faulty connection can cause the ice maker to stop working, so double-checking these details is essential.

Evaluating the water supply

After ensuring the power connection is intact, the next step is to evaluate the water supply. Without a steady supply of water, your ice maker won’t be able to produce ice. Start by checking the water supply valve connected to your Kenmore ice maker. Make sure the valve is fully open and not obstructed. Consider testing the water flow by disconnecting the water line temporarily and running it into a bucket. If there is an adequate water supply, the problem may lie elsewhere.

Examining the ice maker components

If the power and water supply appear to be in good condition, it’s time to take a closer look at the components of your Kenmore ice maker. Begin by inspecting the water inlet valve, which controls the flow of water into the ice maker. Use caution and refer to your owner’s manual for guidance on how to safely access and examine the valve. Look for any signs of damage or blockage that may be impeding its functionality.

Additionally, check the ice maker’s fill tube for any obstructions. This tube delivers water to the ice maker mold, and a blockage can prevent ice production. Clean any debris or ice buildup that may be present and ensure the tube is properly connected.

Resetting the ice maker

If the above steps haven’t resolved the issue, try resetting your Kenmore ice maker. To do this, locate the reset button or switch, which is typically found on the front or side of the ice maker. Press and hold the reset button for a few seconds until you feel it engage. Release the button and wait for a few minutes to see if the ice maker begins to function properly. Resetting the ice maker can often resolve minor glitches that may be causing it to malfunction.

Testing the ice maker’s thermostat

If all else fails, it’s worth checking the functionality of your ice maker’s thermostat. The thermostat is responsible for regulating the temperature inside the ice maker and ensuring proper ice production. Use a multimeter to test the continuity of the thermostat. If it is not functioning correctly or if there is no continuity, it may need to be replaced.

These troubleshooting steps should help you diagnose and potentially resolve the issue with your Kenmore ice maker. By following these guidelines, you can save yourself time and money by avoiding unnecessary repair calls. Remember to consult your owner’s manual for specific instructions related to your model and always prioritize safety while troubleshooting.

3. Quick Solutions For Kenmore Ice Maker Issues

Cleaning the ice maker and removing any obstructions

If you’ve noticed that your Kenmore ice maker is not working properly, the first thing you should do is clean it and check for any obstructions. Over time, mineral deposits and debris can accumulate in the ice maker, preventing it from functioning efficiently. Cleaning the ice maker will not only help improve its performance but also extend its lifespan.

To clean the ice maker, follow these simple steps:

  1. Disconnect the power supply to the ice maker by unplugging it or turning off the circuit breaker.
  2. Remove the ice bin from the freezer and empty any remaining ice.
  3. Mix a solution of warm water and mild soap.
  4. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water and gently clean the ice maker, focusing on areas where ice cubes are formed.
  5. Rinse the ice maker with clean water and dry it thoroughly before reinstalling the ice bin.

In addition to cleaning, it’s also crucial to check for any obstructions that may be preventing the ice maker from working correctly. Inspect the ice chute, dispenser, and ice bin for any blockages or stuck ice cubes. Remove any obstructions carefully to ensure proper ice production.

Adjusting the water level

If your Kenmore ice maker is not producing enough ice or is overflowing with water, you may need to adjust the water level. Adjusting the water level is a relatively simple task and can be done by following these steps:

  1. Locate the water level adjustment screw, which is usually located on the front of the ice maker.
  2. Using a flat-head screwdriver, turn the adjustment screw clockwise to decrease the water level or counterclockwise to increase it.
  3. Make small adjustments and test the ice maker after each adjustment to determine the optimal water level for efficient ice production.

Remember to be patient when making adjustments and test the ice maker over a period of time to ensure that the water level is set correctly.

Replacing a faulty or damaged water inlet valve

If your Kenmore ice maker is not receiving water, it may be due to a faulty or damaged water inlet valve. The water inlet valve controls the flow of water into the ice maker, and if it is malfunctioning, the ice maker will not be able to produce ice.

To replace the water inlet valve, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the power supply to the ice maker by unplugging it or turning off the circuit breaker.
  2. Locate the water inlet valve, which is usually located at the back of the refrigerator.
  3. Disconnect the water supply line from the valve.
  4. Remove the mounting screws that secure the valve to the refrigerator.
  5. Disconnect the electrical connections from the valve.
  6. Replace the faulty water inlet valve with a new one.
  7. Reconnect the electrical connections, mounting screws, and water supply line.
  8. Restore the power supply to the ice maker and check if it is now receiving water.

Inspecting and replacing a defective motor module

If your Kenmore ice maker is not rotating or dispensing ice, there may be a problem with the motor module. The motor module is responsible for initiating the ice-making process and controlling the rotation of the ice ejector arm.

To inspect and replace a defective motor module, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the power supply to the ice maker by unplugging it or turning off the circuit breaker.
  2. Locate the motor module, which is typically located inside the ice maker assembly.
  3. Inspect the motor module for any visible signs of damage or wear.
  4. If the motor module appears to be faulty, remove it from the ice maker assembly.
  5. Install a new motor module in the ice maker assembly.
  6. Restore the power supply to the ice maker and check if the motor module is now functioning correctly.

Checking and resetting the control board

If none of the previous solutions have resolved the issue with your Kenmore ice maker, it may be necessary to check and reset the control board. The control board regulates the various functions of the ice maker, and a reset can often resolve minor glitches or malfunctions.

To check and reset the control board, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the power supply to the ice maker by unplugging it or turning off the circuit breaker.
  2. Locate the control board, which is usually located on the back of the refrigerator or inside the ice maker assembly.
  3. Press and hold the reset button on the control board for a few seconds.
  4. Release the reset button and wait for the control board to reset.
  5. Restore the power supply to the ice maker and check if it is now operating normally.

By following these quick solutions for Kenmore ice maker issues, you can troubleshoot and resolve common problems that may arise with your ice maker. Remember to always prioritize safety and consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance if needed.

4. Professional Assistance And Additional Tips

While troubleshooting your Kenmore ice maker issues, you may reach a point where professional assistance is required. Here are some instances when seeking professional help is necessary, as well as additional resources and maintenance tips to prevent future problems.

When to Seek Professional Help

There are certain situations where it’s best to call in a professional to diagnose and fix your Kenmore ice maker:

  1. If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier and the ice maker is still not working, it’s time to consult a professional technician.
  2. If you notice any signs of physical damage or if there is a major part malfunction, such as a broken motor or a faulty water valve, it’s best to leave the repair to an expert.
  3. If you don’t have the necessary technical knowledge or tools to fix the problem yourself, it’s wise to seek professional assistance to avoid causing further damage.

Resources to Troubleshoot Further

If you want to try troubleshooting further before calling a professional, there are some resources available to help you:

  • Refer to the Kenmore ice maker’s user manual for specific troubleshooting instructions.
  • Visit the official Kenmore website or the manufacturer’s support page for FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and instructional videos.
  • Join online forums or communities where you can seek advice from experienced users or technicians who have encountered similar issues.

Maintenance Tips to Prevent Future Issues

Regular maintenance can help prevent future problems with your Kenmore ice maker. Here are some tips to keep it in optimal condition:

  1. Keep the ice maker clean by regularly wiping down the interior surfaces with a mild soap and warm water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the appliance.
  2. Inspect and clean the water filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper water flow and prevent clogs.
  3. Check the water supply line for any leaks or kinks. If you notice any issues, repair or replace the line promptly to avoid water damage.
  4. Regularly inspect the ice maker’s components, such as the water inlet valve, ice mold, and thermostat, for any signs of wear or damage. Replace any faulty parts promptly.
  5. Ensure that the ice maker is properly leveled to prevent issues with ice production and distribution. Use a spirit level to adjust the appliance’s position if necessary.

By following these maintenance tips and knowing when to seek professional help, you can keep your Kenmore ice maker working efficiently and enjoy a continuous supply of ice for your everyday needs.

5. Troubleshooting Guide: Kenmore Ice Maker Not Working – Faqs

Are you having issues with your Kenmore ice maker? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive troubleshooting guide. In this section, we will address some frequently asked questions related to Kenmore ice maker problems and provide expert answers and solutions to help you get your ice maker up and running again.

Frequently asked questions related to Kenmore ice maker issues

When your Kenmore ice maker stops working, it can be frustrating. To help you find the answers you need quickly, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to Kenmore ice maker issues.

  1. Why is my Kenmore ice maker not making ice?
  2. What could be causing my ice maker to produce small or misshapen ice cubes?
  3. Why is my ice maker not dispensing ice?
  4. What should I do if my ice maker is leaking water?
  5. Why is my Kenmore ice maker making strange noises?

Expert answers and solutions to common problems

Now that we have identified some common issues, let’s dive into expert answers and solutions to help you troubleshoot your Kenmore ice maker problems.

1. Why is my Kenmore ice maker not making ice?

If your Kenmore ice maker is not making ice, there are a few potential causes. Check the following:

  • Make sure the ice maker is turned on and has power.
  • Verify that the water supply to the ice maker is not blocked or restricted.
  • Check the water inlet valve and ensure it is functioning correctly.

If none of these solutions work, it may be necessary to consult a professional technician.

2. What could be causing my ice maker to produce small or misshapen ice cubes?

If your Kenmore ice maker is producing small or misshapen ice cubes, there are a few things you can check:

  • Ensure the water supply line pressure is adequate.
  • Inspect the ice cube mold for any obstructions or damage.
  • Check the water inlet valve and ensure it is fully open.

If the problem persists, consider contacting a professional technician for further assistance.

3. Why is my ice maker not dispensing ice?

If your Kenmore ice maker is not dispensing ice, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if the ice dispenser chute is clogged and clear any obstructions.
  • Inspect the ice bucket auger for any damage or blockage.
  • Ensure the ice dispensing mechanism is not frozen.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s recommended to seek professional help.

4. What should I do if my ice maker is leaking water?

A water leak from your Kenmore ice maker can be problematic. Consider the following steps to address the issue:

  • Check if the water line connections are secure and not loose.
  • Inspect the water inlet valve for any leaks or damage.
  • Ensure the ice maker is level and not tilted.

If the leak persists, it’s best to consult a professional technician for further investigation.

5. Why is my Kenmore ice maker making strange noises?

If your Kenmore ice maker is making unusual noises, it could indicate an underlying problem. Try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure the ice maker is properly installed and leveled.
  • Check for any ice cubes that may be stuck or jamming the mechanism.
  • Clean the ice maker regularly to remove any debris or mineral buildup.

If the noise persists, contacting a professional technician is advisable.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Kenmore Ice Maker Not Working

How Do I Reset My Kenmore Ice Maker?

To reset your Kenmore ice maker, locate the reset button on the control panel. Press and hold the button for 10 seconds until you hear a beep. Release the button, and the ice maker will start the reset process.

Why Is My Kenmore Icemaker Not Making Ice?

Your Kenmore icemaker may not be making ice due to a few reasons. Check the water supply line, ensure the water valve is open, and verify that the icemaker is turned on. Also, inspect the ice temperature and the condition of the water filter.

You may need to seek professional assistance for further troubleshooting.

Why Would An Ice Maker Suddenly Stop Working?

Ice makers can stop working suddenly due to various reasons such as a clogged waterline, a malfunctioning thermostat, a faulty solenoid valve, or a problem with the ice maker motor. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and checking for these issues can help prevent and address sudden ice maker failures.

Why Is My Ice Maker Not Making Ice But The Water Works?

Your ice maker may not be making ice while the water still works due to a clogged water line, a faulty water inlet valve, or a malfunctioning ice maker itself. Check for any blockages, replace a defective valve, or have a professional inspect and repair the ice maker accordingly.


Troubleshooting a Kenmore ice maker that isn’t working can be a straightforward process. By checking the water supply, inspecting the inlet valve, unclogging the water line, and ensuring the proper temperature setting, you can often resolve the issue. If the problem persists, seeking professional assistance may be necessary.

Remember, regular maintenance and careful usage can help prevent future problems with your Kenmore ice maker.

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