Home Error Code Fix Lg Tv Error Code 106 : Troubleshooting Solutions

Lg Tv Error Code 106 : Troubleshooting Solutions

by Timothy Ginn

To fix LG TV Error Code 106, try resetting the router and cable modem, move the router closer to the TV, and check if other devices can connect to the Wi-Fi network without any issues. If the problem persists, contact your internet service provider for assistance.

LG TV Error Code 106 indicates a problem with the TV’s internet connection. This error can occur due to various reasons, such as an unstable internet connection, improper Wi-Fi network setup, or issues with the router or modem. To resolve this error, there are several troubleshooting steps you can try, including resetting the router and cable modem, moving the router closer to the TV, and checking the Wi-Fi network connectivity.

We will explore the common causes of LG TV Error Code 106 and provide solutions to fix it. By following these steps, you can ensure that your LG TV connects to the internet seamlessly and enjoy uninterrupted streaming and online capabilities.

Reasons For Lg Tv Error Code 106


Network connection issues

One of the common reasons for LG TV Error Code 106 is network connection issues. If your TV is unable to connect to the internet, it can result in this error. This may occur due to an unstable internet connection or problems with your router.

Router distance from the TV

The distance between your router and the TV can also be a contributing factor to Error Code 106. If the router is located far away from the TV, the signal strength may be weak, causing connectivity issues. Ideally, it is recommended to place the router as close to the TV as possible.

Connectivity problems

Connectivity problems can arise due to various factors, such as interference from other devices or wireless signal congestion in your area. These issues can prevent your TV from establishing a stable connection to the internet, leading to Error Code 106.

Incorrect Wi-Fi settings

Another reason for Error Code 106 on LG TVs is incorrect Wi-Fi settings. If the Wi-Fi settings on your TV are not configured properly, it can result in connection failures. Ensure that the Wi-Fi settings on your TV match the settings of your home network.

Other possible factors

In addition to the above reasons, there can be other factors contributing to LG TV Error Code 106. These may include outdated firmware on the TV, outdated router firmware, or issues with the TV’s MAC address recognition by the router.

Solutions To Fix Lg Tv Error Code 106

If you’re encountering LG TV Error Code 106, don’t fret! There are several solutions you can try to resolve this issue and get your TV back online. Below, we’ve listed some troubleshooting steps that can help you fix LG TV Error Code 106 and regain access to your favorite shows and movies.

Move the router closer to the TV

If your LG TV is experiencing error code 106, one potential solution is to move your router closer to the TV. This can help improve the signal strength and stability of your Wi-Fi connection, making it easier for your TV to connect to the network.

Restart the router and TV

Another troubleshooting step you can take is to restart both your router and TV. First, turn off your TV and then power down your router. Wait for a few minutes before turning them back on. Once both devices are powered on, try connecting your TV to the network again and see if the error persists.

Check network connection

Ensure that your network connection is stable and working properly. Check if other devices in your home can connect to the Wi-Fi network without any issues. If the problem seems to be specific to your TV, continue with the following solutions.

Verify Wi-Fi settings

Check the Wi-Fi settings on your LG TV and make sure they are correctly configured. Ensure that the network name and password are entered correctly. If needed, delete the current network settings and reconnect your TV to the Wi-Fi network to refresh the connection.

Reset network settings

If verifying the Wi-Fi settings did not solve the problem, you can try resetting the network settings on your LG TV. This will clear any saved network configurations and allow you to start fresh. Navigate to the network settings menu on your TV and choose the option to reset the network settings.

Update date and time on the TV

Make sure the date and time settings on your LG TV are accurate. Sometimes, incorrect date and time settings can cause connectivity issues. Go to the settings menu on your TV and update the date and time if needed.

Connect TV to wired internet

If you’re still experiencing LG TV Error Code 106 after trying the above solutions, you can consider connecting your TV to the internet using a wired connection. This can provide a more stable and reliable connection compared to Wi-Fi. Connect an Ethernet cable from your router to the Ethernet port on your TV to establish a wired connection.

Contact customer support for further assistance

If none of the above solutions work, it’s recommended to contact LG customer support for further assistance. They will be able to provide you with additional troubleshooting steps specific to your TV model and help resolve the error code 106.

Troubleshooting Lg Tv Error Code 106

If you’re experiencing LG TV Error Code 106, it can be frustrating when your TV is unable to connect to the internet. However, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve this issue and get back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies. Below are some solutions that can help fix LG TV Error Code 106:

Press the [Reset] button on the router and cable modem

If your LG TV is unable to connect to the internet, one of the first steps you can take is to reset your router and cable modem. Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve connectivity issues. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the [Reset] button on your router and cable modem.
  2. Using a paperclip or a small pointed object, press and hold the [Reset] button for about 10 seconds.
  3. Release the button and wait for the router and cable modem to reboot.
  4. Once they have restarted, try connecting your LG TV to the Wi-Fi network again.

This process can help refresh the connection between your TV and the router, potentially resolving LG TV Error Code 106.

Contact your internet service provider if the issue persists

If resetting your router and cable modem doesn’t solve the problem, it’s recommended to contact your internet service provider (ISP). They can troubleshoot any network issues that may be preventing your LG TV from connecting to the internet. They may also be able to provide specific guidance or settings for your router that can help resolve the error code.

Restart the router and TV

Another simple step you can take is to restart both your router and your LG TV. Sometimes, a temporary glitch in the network can cause connectivity issues. Restarting both devices can help clear any temporary errors and reestablish a stable connection. Follow the steps below to restart your router and TV:

  1. Turn off your LG TV and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Unplug your router from the power source.
  3. Wait for about a minute or two.
  4. Plug your router back into the power source and wait for it to fully restart.
  5. Once the router has restarted, plug your LG TV back into the power source and turn it on.
  6. Try connecting your LG TV to the Wi-Fi network again.

Restarting both your router and TV can help establish a fresh connection and resolve LG TV Error Code 106.

Ensure proper physical connection to the Wi-Fi network

It’s important to ensure that your LG TV is properly connected to the Wi-Fi network. Sometimes, a loose connection or incorrect network settings can result in LG TV Error Code 106. Follow the steps below to check and ensure proper physical connection:

  1. Make sure your LG TV is in close proximity to the router. Moving the router closer to your TV can improve signal strength and stability.
  2. Check that the Ethernet or Wi-Fi cables are securely plugged into both your TV and router.
  3. Verify that you have entered the correct network name (SSID) and password for your Wi-Fi network in the LG TV settings.

By ensuring a proper physical connection, you can eliminate any potential issues related to network connectivity and resolve LG TV Error Code 106.

It’s important to note that if none of the above troubleshooting steps resolve the LG TV Error Code 106, it may indicate a more complex issue. In such cases, it is recommended to reach out to LG customer support for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Lg Tv Error Code 106

How Do I Fix Error 106 On My Lg Tv?

To fix error 106 on your LG TV:

  1. Reset your router by pressing the [Reset] button.
  2. Move the router closer to your TV.
  3. Turn off both your TV and router, then turn them back on and attempt to connect again.
  4. Check if other devices can connect to your Wi-Fi network. 5. Contact your Internet service provider if the issue persists.

Why Is My Lg Tv Not Connecting To The Internet?

There are a few possible reasons why your LG TV is not connecting to the internet. You can try these solutions:

  1. Reset your router and cable modem by pressing the [Reset] button.
  2. Move the router closer to your TV.
  3. Turn off both your TV and router, then turn them back on and try connecting again.
  4. Check that your Wi-Fi router is working properly and other devices can connect to it.
  5. Make sure your TV is properly connected to the Wi-Fi network.
  6. If the problem persists, contact your Internet service provider for assistance.

What Is Error Code 106?

Error code 106 on your LG TV indicates a poor internet connection or the TV’s inability to access the internet.


To troubleshoot LG TV error code 106, there are several steps you can take. First, make sure your Wi-Fi router is working properly and other devices can connect to it without any issues. You can also try moving the router closer to your TV for a stronger signal.

Restarting both your TV and router can often resolve connectivity problems. If the issue persists, you may need to check the physical connection between your LG TV and the Wi-Fi network. Ensure that your TV is properly connected and the Wi-Fi is turned on.

If all else fails, contacting your Internet service provider or LG customer support can provide further assistance. LG TV error code 106 usually indicates a problem with the internet connection or the TV’s inability to access it. By following the steps mentioned above and ensuring a stable connection, you should be able to fix the issue and get your LG TV connected to the internet again.


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