Home Error Code Fix Netflix Error Code M7362 1269: How to Refresh Your Browser Data

Netflix Error Code M7362 1269: How to Refresh Your Browser Data

by Timothy Ginn

To fix Netflix Error Code M7362 1269, you need to refresh the cookie data on your computer. Type or copy and paste chrome://settings/content/all?searchSubpage=netflix.com into your browser’s address bar, click Clear displayed data, and then try Netflix again.

Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 is typically caused by outdated browser data or stored information that needs to be refreshed. This error can occur when using various browsers such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. By following a simple step of clearing the browser’s data, you can resolve this error code and enjoy streaming Netflix without any interruptions.

It’s important to keep your browser up to date and remove any stored information regularly to prevent such errors. Ensure a smooth streaming experience by troubleshooting and addressing common issues related to Netflix error codes.

Understanding Netflix Error Code M7362 1269


Netflix is undoubtedly one of the most popular streaming platforms around the world, providing endless entertainment to its subscribers. However, just like any other digital service, it is not immune to errors. One such error that users may encounter is Netflix Error Code M7362 1269. If you’ve come across this error, don’t worry – we’re here to help you understand what it means and how you can fix it.

Explanation of Netflix Error Code M7362 1269

The Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 typically occurs when there is an issue with the information stored on your browser that requires refreshing. This error can prevent you from streaming your favorite movies and TV shows, leaving you frustrated.

Common reasons for encountering the error code

  • Outdated browser: Sometimes, using an outdated version of your browser can lead to Netflix Error Code M7362 1269. It is essential to keep your browser updated to ensure compatibility with the streaming service.
  • Cached data issues: Cached data or stored information on your browser can become outdated or corrupted, causing the error to appear. Clearing your browser cache can help resolve this issue.
  • Network connectivity problems: Poor internet connection or network errors can also trigger this error code. Check your Wi-Fi connection to ensure it is stable and functioning properly.
  • Issues with the Netflix app or account: Sometimes, a glitch in the Netflix app or an issue with your account can result in the error code. Ensure that your Netflix app is up to date and there are no problems with your account.

Importance of refreshing browser data

One of the most effective ways to fix Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 is by refreshing the data stored on your browser. When you regularly clear your browser cache and refresh the data, it helps ensure smooth streaming and resolves various errors. Refreshing the browser data allows Netflix to retrieve and load the most recent information, enhancing your streaming experience.

Now that you have a better understanding of Netflix Error Code M7362 1269, you can take the necessary steps to resolve it and get back to enjoying your favorite movies and TV shows without interruptions.

How To Refresh Your Browser Data To Fix Netflix Error Code M7362 1269

When you encounter Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 while trying to stream your favorite shows, it usually means that the information stored on your browser needs to be refreshed. Fortunately, fixing this issue is relatively simple. By following the steps below, you can clear your browser data and get back to enjoying your favorite Netflix content in no time.

Step 1: Accessing browser settings

To begin fixing Netflix Error Code M7362 1269, you need to access your browser settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to the address bar.
  2. Type or copy and paste the following URL: chrome://settings/content/all?searchSubpage=netflix.com.
  3. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard.

Step 2: Clearing browser data

Once you’re in your browser settings, it’s time to clear the data that is causing the Netflix error. Follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the “Clear browsing data” section.
  2. Click on the “Clear data” button.
  3. A pop-up window will appear, showing you the types of data you can clear. Make sure the box next to “Cookies and other site data” is checked.
  4. Click on the “Clear” button to delete the selected data.

Step 3: Retrying Netflix after clearing data

Now that you’ve cleared your browser data, it’s time to try accessing Netflix again. Follow these final steps:

  1. Close your browser completely.
  2. Open it again and navigate to the Netflix website.
  3. Sign in to your Netflix account to see if the error has been resolved.

By following these steps, you should be able to refresh your browser data and fix Netflix Error Code M7362 1269. If the issue persists, you may want to try using a different browser or contacting Netflix support for further assistance.


Additional Tips To Troubleshoot Netflix Error Code M7362 1269

If you’re experiencing the Netflix Error Code M7362 1269, don’t worry – there are a few additional tips you can try to troubleshoot the issue. Follow these steps to help resolve the error and get back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies:

Checking network connection

One of the first things you should check when encountering the Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 is your network connection. A weak or unstable internet connection can cause streaming issues and trigger this error. To ensure that your network connection is stable, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your modem and router. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve network connectivity problems.
  2. Move closer to your router. If you’re experiencing weak signals, try moving closer to the router to improve the strength of your connection.
  3. Disconnect other devices from your network. Multiple devices using the same network can cause congestion and slow down your internet speed. Disconnect devices that you’re not currently using to prioritize your streaming experience.

Updating Google Chrome

If you’re using Google Chrome as your browser to stream Netflix and encountering the M7362 1269 error, it’s possible that your browser needs an update to play Netflix properly. Follow these steps to update your Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the browser window.
  2. In the dropdown menu, hover over “Help”, then click on “About Google Chrome”.
  3. Google Chrome will automatically check for updates and install them if available. Once the update is complete, restart your browser and try streaming Netflix again.

Deleting browser cache

Another common cause of the Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 is stored information or cached data in your browser that needs to be refreshed. Follow these steps to clear your browser cache:

  1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the browser window.
  2. In the dropdown menu, hover over “More Tools”, then click on “Clear browsing data”.
  3. Check the box next to “Cached images and files”. You can also choose to clear other browsing data if desired.
  4. Click on the “Clear data” button to delete the cached files from your browser.

Rebooting the browser

If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, try rebooting your browser. Sometimes, a simple restart can help refresh your browser and resolve temporary glitches. Follow these steps to reboot your browser:

  1. Close all tabs and windows of your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Quit the browser completely and reopen it.
  3. Try streaming Netflix again and see if the error has been resolved.

By following these additional tips, you can troubleshoot the Netflix Error Code M7362 1269 and get back to enjoying your favorite content without interruption. If the issue persists, you may need to contact Netflix support for further assistance. Happy streaming!

Frequently Asked Questions For Netflix Error Code M7362 1269

What Is Error Code M7399 On Netflix?

Error code M7399 on Netflix typically indicates that the information stored on your browser needs to be refreshed. To fix this issue, enter chrome://settings/content/all? searchSubpage=netflix. com into your browser’s address bar, press Enter or Return. Then click on Clear displayed data and try Netflix again.

Why Do I Keep Getting An Error Code On Netflix?

If you keep getting an error code on Netflix, it could mean that your browser has cached data that needs to be refreshed. To resolve the problem, clear your browser’s cache or update Google Chrome. Ensure you have a stable internet connection as well.

What Is Error Code M7362 1253?

Error code M7362 1253 commonly occurs when the browser you are using to stream Netflix contains outdated or cached data. To fix this issue, you can try clearing the browser cache by typing or copying and pasting chrome://settings/content/all? searchSubpage=netflix. com into your browser’s address bar, then pressing Enter or Return.

Click on “Clear displayed data” and attempt to stream Netflix again.


To resolve the Netflix error code M7362 1269, you can refresh the cookie data stored on your browser. Simply follow the steps mentioned earlier in this blog post to fix the issue. It’s important to keep your browser and Netflix app updated to avoid any further errors.

By refreshing the data, you’ll have a smoother streaming experience without any interruptions.


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