Home Error Code Fix Teams Error Code Caa20002: Fix the Issue in 3 Easy Steps!

Teams Error Code Caa20002: Fix the Issue in 3 Easy Steps!

by Timothy Ginn

To fix Teams error code Caa20002, reconnect your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app, clear the Teams cache, use the web version of Teams, or re-install Teams.

Common Causes Of Teams Error Code Caa20002

Encountering error codes in Microsoft Teams can be frustrating and disrupt your productivity. One commonly faced error code is Caa20002, which indicates a problem with connecting to the Teams server. Understanding the causes of this error code can help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue quickly. In this section, we will explore the three common causes of Teams Error Code Caa20002.

Outdated Microsoft Teams application

An outdated version of the Microsoft Teams application can often lead to error code Caa20002. When the application is not up to date, it may struggle to establish a connection with the Teams server, resulting in the error. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Teams application on your device.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Check for updates” from the drop-down menu.
  4. If any updates are available, download and install them.
  5. Once the updates are installed, restart the Teams application and check if the error persists.

Improper connection to the server

Another common cause of Teams Error Code Caa20002 is an improper connection to the server. This can occur due to network issues or firewall settings blocking the connection. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a stable and active internet connection.
  2. Check if any firewall software is blocking the Teams application.
  3. If firewall settings are blocking Teams, add an exception or temporarily disable the firewall.
  4. Restart the Teams application and check if the error is resolved.

Issues with user account settings

Teams Error Code Caa20002 can also be caused by issues with user account settings. To fix this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your device.
  2. Navigate to the “Accounts” section.
  3. Click on “Access work or school.”
  4. Find the account associated with the Teams application and review its settings.
  5. If any settings look incorrect or outdated, make the necessary changes.
  6. Restart the Teams application and see if the error is resolved.

By addressing these common causes, you can troubleshoot and resolve Teams Error Code Caa20002. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to reach out to Microsoft support for further assistance.

Step 1: Reconnect Your Microsoft Teams Account Using The Settings App

If you are facing the Teams Error Code Caa20002, one of the first steps you can take to resolve the issue is to reconnect your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app. By doing so, you can troubleshoot the connection and ensure that you are logged in correctly. Follow these simple steps to reconnect your account:

Go to Settings

To begin, click on the Start menu and select the Settings app. The Settings app allows you to manage various system and application settings on your Windows device.

Click on Accounts

Within the Settings app, navigate to the Accounts section. Here, you can manage your credentials, privacy settings, and other account-related configurations.

Select Access Work or School

Within the Accounts section, look for the option that says “Access Work or School” and click on it. This option allows you to manage the accounts associated with your workplace or educational institution.

Look for the affected account and troubleshoot the connection

Once you are in the “Access Work or School” section, locate the account that is affected by the Teams Error Code Caa20002. Click on the account to access its settings and troubleshoot the connection. Ensure that the account details are correct and that there are no issues with the connection to the Microsoft Teams server.

Reconnecting your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app can help you resolve the Teams Error Code Caa20002. By following these steps, you can ensure that your account is properly connected and avoid any disruptions while using Teams.

Step 2: Clear Microsoft Teams Cache

If you’re encountering the Teams Error Code Caa20002, clearing the Microsoft Teams cache may help resolve the issue. Follow these simple steps to clear the cache and potentially fix the error:

Close Microsoft Teams application

Before clearing the cache, make sure to close the Microsoft Teams application completely. This ensures that all related processes are terminated and you can perform the cache clearing process without any issues.

Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box

To open the Run dialog box quickly, press the Windows key and R key simultaneously.

Type “%appdata%\Microsoft\Teams” and click OK

Once the Run dialog box appears, type “%appdata%\Microsoft\Teams” (without quotes). Then, click OK to proceed.

Delete all the files and folders inside the Teams folder

After clicking OK, the Windows File Explorer will open and direct you to the Teams folder location. Inside the Teams folder, select all the files and folders by pressing Ctrl + A. Once everything is selected, right-click and choose Delete to remove all the cache files.
Step Action
Step 1 Close Microsoft Teams application
Step 2 Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box
Step 3 Type “%appdata%\Microsoft\Teams” and click OK
Step 4 Delete all the files and folders inside the Teams folder

Restart Microsoft Teams and check if the error persists

After deleting all the files and folders, restart the Microsoft Teams application. Once it’s running again, check if the Teams Error Code Caa20002 still persists. If the error is resolved, you can continue using Microsoft Teams without any interruption. Taking the time to clear the Microsoft Teams cache can help eliminate any corrupted or outdated files that might be causing the error. It’s an easy and effective troubleshooting step that can save you time and frustration. Give it a try and see if it resolves the issue!

Step 3: Use The Web Version Of Microsoft Teams

If you’re facing the Teams Error Code Caa20002, one possible solution is to use the web version of Microsoft Teams. This option allows you to access all the features of Teams without the need for the desktop application. To get started, follow the steps below:

Open a web browser and navigate to the Microsoft Teams web app

To access the web version of Microsoft Teams, you need to open a web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Once the browser is open, type in the URL for the Microsoft Teams web app, which is https://teams.microsoft.com/. Press Enter or click the Go button, and you will be directed to the Teams login page.

Log in using your Microsoft account credentials

To use the web version of Microsoft Teams, you need to log in using your Microsoft account credentials. If you already have a Microsoft account, enter your email address and password in the respective fields on the login page. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you can create one by clicking on the “Sign up for free” link provided on the login page.

Note: Make sure you enter the correct email address and password associated with your Microsoft account to log in successfully.

Access all the features of Teams without the need for the desktop application

Once you have logged in to the Microsoft Teams web app, you will have access to all the features of Teams without the need for the desktop application. You can participate in team chats, join meetings, access files, and collaborate with your team members all within the web browser.

Note: Using the web version of Microsoft Teams can be a convenient alternative when you encounter the Teams Error Code Caa20002. It allows you to continue working and communicating with your team without any interruptions caused by the desktop application.

So, if you’re facing the Teams Error Code Caa20002, try using the web version of Microsoft Teams by following the steps outlined above. It may resolve the issue and help you get back to your work seamlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions On Teams Error Code Caa20002

How Do I Fix Error Code Caa20002?

To fix error code CAA20002, you can try the following steps: 1. Reconnect your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app. 2. Clear Microsoft Teams cache. 3. Use the web version of Microsoft Teams. 4. Re-install Microsoft Teams.

How Do I Fix Error Code Caa20002 In Office 365?

To fix error code CAA20002 in Office 365, try these steps: 1. Reconnect your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app. 2. Clear the Microsoft Teams cache. 3. Use the web version of Microsoft Teams. 4. Re-install Microsoft Teams.

What Does Error Code Caa20002 Mean?

Error code CAA20002 means an improper connection to the server. Reconnecting your Microsoft Teams account, clearing cache, using the web version, or reinstalling Teams can fix it.


Dealing with the Teams Error Code Caa20002 can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to resolve it. First, try reconnecting your Microsoft Teams account using the Settings app. Additionally, clearing the Teams cache and using the web version of Teams can help to address the issue.

If the problem persists, consider reinstalling Microsoft Teams. Remember to check your account settings in Windows, specifically under “Settings,” “Accounts,” and “Access work or school,” to ensure there are no inconsistencies. By following these steps, you can troubleshoot the Error Code Caa20002 and ensure a smooth experience with Microsoft Teams.

If you continue to experience difficulties, it may be helpful to consult the Microsoft Community or seek assistance from tech support professionals who specialize in Microsoft Teams. Stay proactive and keep your communication platforms running smoothly.

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